Thursday, 19 May 2011


<%@ page import=",,,,,, java.util.ArrayList, java.util.List" %><%!private static final String PAGEAD = "";private void googleAppendUrl(StringBuilder url, String param, String value) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { if (value != null) { String encodedValue = URLEncoder.encode(value, "UTF-8"); url.append("&").append(param).append("=").append(encodedValue); }}private void googleAppendColor(StringBuilder url, String param, String value, long random) { String[] colorArray = value.split(","); url.append("&").append(param).append("=").append( colorArray[(int)(random % colorArray.length)]);}private void googleAppendScreenRes(StringBuilder url, String uaPixels, String xUpDevcapScreenpixels, String xJphoneDisplay) { String screenRes = uaPixels; if (screenRes == null) { screenRes = xUpDevcapScreenpixels; } if (screenRes == null) { screenRes = xJphoneDisplay; } if (screenRes != null) { String[] resArray = screenRes.split("[x,*]"); if (resArray.length == 2) { url.append("&u_w=").append(resArray[0]); url.append("&u_h=").append(resArray[1]); } }}private void googleAppendMuid(StringBuilder url, List muids) { for (String muid : muids) { if (muid != null) { url.append("&muid=").append(muid); } }}private void googleAppendViaAndAccept(StringBuilder url, String via, String accept) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { googleAppendUrl(url, "via", via); googleAppendUrl(url, "accept", accept);}%><%long googleDt = System.currentTimeMillis();StringBuilder googleAdUrlStr = new StringBuilder(PAGEAD);googleAdUrlStr.append("ad_type=text");googleAdUrlStr.append("&channel=");googleAdUrlStr.append("&client=ca-mb-pub-0479443589350577");googleAdUrlStr.append("&dt=").append(googleDt);googleAdUrlStr.append("&format=mobile_single");googleAppendUrl(googleAdUrlStr, "ip", request.getRemoteAddr());googleAdUrlStr.append("&markup=chtml");googleAdUrlStr.append("&oe=utf8");googleAdUrlStr.append("&output=chtml");googleAppendUrl(googleAdUrlStr, "ref", request.getHeader("Referer"));String googleUrl = request.getRequestURL().toString();if (request.getQueryString() != null) { googleUrl += "?" + request.getQueryString().toString();}googleAppendUrl(googleAdUrlStr, "url", googleUrl);String googleUserAgent = request.getHeader("User-Agent");googleAppendUrl(googleAdUrlStr, "useragent", googleUserAgent);googleAppendScreenRes(googleAdUrlStr, request.getHeader("UA-pixels"), request.getHeader("x-up-devcap-screenpixels"), request.getHeader("x-jphone-display"));List googleMuids = new ArrayList();googleMuids.add(request.getHeader("X-DCMGUID"));googleMuids.add(request.getHeader("X-UP-SUBNO"));googleMuids.add(request.getHeader("X-JPHONE_UID"));googleMuids.add(request.getHeader("X-EM-UID"));googleAppendMuid(googleAdUrlStr, googleMuids);if (googleUserAgent == null || googleUserAgent.length() == 0) { googleAppendViaAndAccept(googleAdUrlStr, request.getHeader("Via"), request.getHeader("Accept"));}try { URL googleAdUrl = new URL(googleAdUrlStr.toString()); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(googleAdUrl.openStream(), "UTF-8")); for (String line; (line = reader.readLine()) != null;) { out.println(line); }} catch (IOException e) {}%>

Monday, 9 May 2011

Bentleys Wigan

Bentleys Wigan
Bentleys is a pub/club with mostly pub characteristics downstairs, and a busy beer garden. usually a great place to start a night out on a friday or saturday, always lively and busy atmosphere. upstairs has a second bar and a dancefloor thats usually busy without fail. a failsafe place to go on a friday or saturday. usually busy from hours between 10pm and 1am

Jumpin Jacks Wigan

Jumpin Jacks Wigan
Jumpin Jacks is a single floor club that has a large dancefloor, 2 bars and decent priced drinks. entry fee usually varies between 3 and 4 pounds, or sometimes can be gained for free if you get a flyer off one of the staff outside the club that may grant you free entry before midnight. usually plays older/cheese music, and some up to date chart music sprinkled in between the night. has good offers on sundays.

Surfers Paradise Wigan (Previously Walkabout)

Surfers Paradise Wigan (Previously Walkabout)

Surfers Paradise (Previously Walkabout) Wigan has approximetly 400 capacity with 2 floors. downstairs playing mostly dance music and upstairs playing a wide variety of all different kinds of music. one of the busiest places in wigan on a saturday night and always has large queues outside

Elements & Legends Wigan (Previously Liquid)

Elements & Legends Wigan (Previously Liquid)

Elements & Legends is a large club that consists of 2 floors. downstairs plays a bit of everything, from dance to cheese to rnb. and has a nice bar that sells reasonable priced mixers and such. upstairs has a large dancefloor and is mostly dance music. usually busy on saturdays, has entry fees of anything between 3 and 5 pounds. Club has recently undergone a revamp also (Previously called Liquid) and now offers cheap drink prices on fridays.