Thursday, 19 May 2011
<%@ page import=",,,,,, java.util.ArrayList, java.util.List" %><%!private static final String PAGEAD = "";private void googleAppendUrl(StringBuilder url, String param, String value) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { if (value != null) { String encodedValue = URLEncoder.encode(value, "UTF-8"); url.append("&").append(param).append("=").append(encodedValue); }}private void googleAppendColor(StringBuilder url, String param, String value, long random) { String[] colorArray = value.split(","); url.append("&").append(param).append("=").append( colorArray[(int)(random % colorArray.length)]);}private void googleAppendScreenRes(StringBuilder url, String uaPixels, String xUpDevcapScreenpixels, String xJphoneDisplay) { String screenRes = uaPixels; if (screenRes == null) { screenRes = xUpDevcapScreenpixels; } if (screenRes == null) { screenRes = xJphoneDisplay; } if (screenRes != null) { String[] resArray = screenRes.split("[x,*]"); if (resArray.length == 2) { url.append("&u_w=").append(resArray[0]); url.append("&u_h=").append(resArray[1]); } }}private void googleAppendMuid(StringBuilder url, List muids) { for (String muid : muids) { if (muid != null) { url.append("&muid=").append(muid); } }}private void googleAppendViaAndAccept(StringBuilder url, String via, String accept) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { googleAppendUrl(url, "via", via); googleAppendUrl(url, "accept", accept);}%><%long googleDt = System.currentTimeMillis();StringBuilder googleAdUrlStr = new StringBuilder(PAGEAD);googleAdUrlStr.append("ad_type=text");googleAdUrlStr.append("&channel=");googleAdUrlStr.append("&client=ca-mb-pub-0479443589350577");googleAdUrlStr.append("&dt=").append(googleDt);googleAdUrlStr.append("&format=mobile_single");googleAppendUrl(googleAdUrlStr, "ip", request.getRemoteAddr());googleAdUrlStr.append("&markup=chtml");googleAdUrlStr.append("&oe=utf8");googleAdUrlStr.append("&output=chtml");googleAppendUrl(googleAdUrlStr, "ref", request.getHeader("Referer"));String googleUrl = request.getRequestURL().toString();if (request.getQueryString() != null) { googleUrl += "?" + request.getQueryString().toString();}googleAppendUrl(googleAdUrlStr, "url", googleUrl);String googleUserAgent = request.getHeader("User-Agent");googleAppendUrl(googleAdUrlStr, "useragent", googleUserAgent);googleAppendScreenRes(googleAdUrlStr, request.getHeader("UA-pixels"), request.getHeader("x-up-devcap-screenpixels"), request.getHeader("x-jphone-display"));List googleMuids = new ArrayList();googleMuids.add(request.getHeader("X-DCMGUID"));googleMuids.add(request.getHeader("X-UP-SUBNO"));googleMuids.add(request.getHeader("X-JPHONE_UID"));googleMuids.add(request.getHeader("X-EM-UID"));googleAppendMuid(googleAdUrlStr, googleMuids);if (googleUserAgent == null || googleUserAgent.length() == 0) { googleAppendViaAndAccept(googleAdUrlStr, request.getHeader("Via"), request.getHeader("Accept"));}try { URL googleAdUrl = new URL(googleAdUrlStr.toString()); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(googleAdUrl.openStream(), "UTF-8")); for (String line; (line = reader.readLine()) != null;) { out.println(line); }} catch (IOException e) {}%>
Monday, 9 May 2011
Bentleys Wigan
Bentleys Wigan
Bentleys is a pub/club with mostly pub characteristics downstairs, and a busy beer garden. usually a great place to start a night out on a friday or saturday, always lively and busy atmosphere. upstairs has a second bar and a dancefloor thats usually busy without fail. a failsafe place to go on a friday or saturday. usually busy from hours between 10pm and 1am
Bentleys is a pub/club with mostly pub characteristics downstairs, and a busy beer garden. usually a great place to start a night out on a friday or saturday, always lively and busy atmosphere. upstairs has a second bar and a dancefloor thats usually busy without fail. a failsafe place to go on a friday or saturday. usually busy from hours between 10pm and 1am
Jumpin Jacks Wigan
Jumpin Jacks Wigan
Jumpin Jacks is a single floor club that has a large dancefloor, 2 bars and decent priced drinks. entry fee usually varies between 3 and 4 pounds, or sometimes can be gained for free if you get a flyer off one of the staff outside the club that may grant you free entry before midnight. usually plays older/cheese music, and some up to date chart music sprinkled in between the night. has good offers on sundays.
Jumpin Jacks is a single floor club that has a large dancefloor, 2 bars and decent priced drinks. entry fee usually varies between 3 and 4 pounds, or sometimes can be gained for free if you get a flyer off one of the staff outside the club that may grant you free entry before midnight. usually plays older/cheese music, and some up to date chart music sprinkled in between the night. has good offers on sundays.
Elements & Legends Wigan (Previously Liquid)
Elements & Legends Wigan (Previously Liquid)
Elements & Legends is a large club that consists of 2 floors. downstairs plays a bit of everything, from dance to cheese to rnb. and has a nice bar that sells reasonable priced mixers and such. upstairs has a large dancefloor and is mostly dance music. usually busy on saturdays, has entry fees of anything between 3 and 5 pounds. Club has recently undergone a revamp also (Previously called Liquid) and now offers cheap drink prices on fridays.
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